
Howard, PA Pet Sitters

Find the best pet sitter for your pet in Howard, PA. These Howard pet sitters are all members of Pet Sitters International, the leading educational association for professional pet sitters. Explore the listings for pet sitters in Howard below to learn more about each business, the services they offer and the credentials they have obtained. When you want the best care for your pets, PSI’s Official Pet Sitter Locator is your best source for professional pet sitters in Howard. To learn more about questions you should ask any potential pet sitter, download PSI’s free Pet-Sitter Interview Checklist. To search for pet sitters in a specific ZIP/postal code, you can also visit 

Mountain Pets LLC

Mountain Pets LLC

Central PA. Pet sitting, farm care, kennel-free dog boarding and small animal boarding.

  • Pet sitter indicates the business is bonded.
  • Pet sitter indicates the business is insured.
  • Pet sitter has completed the Dog-Care Specialist program.
  • Pet sitter has completed the Cat-Care Specialist program.
  • Pet sitter has completed the Bird-Care Specialist program.
  • Pet sitter is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter (CPPS).
  • Pet sitter indicates he/she can provide proof of background check.
  • Pet sitter indicates he/she is trained in pet first aid.
  • Pet sitter takes advantage of PSI's monthly online training course subscription.